Digital Image Scanning

Epson v800 | Digital Photo RestorationPerforming digital image restoration work means having reliable equipment that’s up to the job. To scan our images, we don’t use generic, widely available scanners that can be purchased over the counter from most electrical retailers, as they are simply not up the task of capturing the extremely high detail that we require.

Our tool of choice is the commercial grade Epson Perfection V800 Photo Color Scanner, built for precise film and photo reproductions.

Ideally suited for capturing detail to high resolution, and to increased color bit depths (up to 48 bits). In layman’s terms, a higher bit depth allows for capturing a higher dynamic range of colour. The high resolution and high color bit depth means we can capture more colour detail than needed, so that we have more to work with to produce better results.

Equipped with a 4.0 Dmax and an innovative dual-lens scanning system ensure extraordinary results whether scanning slides, negatives, medium- or large-format film.

Negative Slide Scanning

The Epson Perfection V800, with the above abilities, means we can scan negative film strips and slides and capture all the detail available to digitise them into digital images that you can then have printed, and keep on file for future safety.

For example, we can capture a 35mm slide and provide you with an image that you then use to produce a 10 by 12 inch print.

In fact, currently, this scanner model is regarded as the flatbed scanner tool of choice for negative scanning due to it’s ability to produce superior results. The next step is to go into the much more expensive drum scanners.

We can scan the following non-mounted negative formats for you with our included film holder mounts:

We also have a large range of film manufacturer profiles installed using SilverFast NegaFix® that enable us to take into account the manufacturer, the film’s photoresponse and film type to get the best result possible. If you know the manufaturer and type of film, we may be able to match it up to their manufacturer profile for scanning.

Available NegaFix profiles:

Agfa HDC Plus 100
Agfa HDC Plus 200
Agfa HDC Plus 400
Agfa Optima II 100 6×6
Agfa Optima II 400 6×6
Agfa Optima II Prestige 400
Agfa Optima 200 6×6
Agfa Optima 200
Agfa Optima Prestige 100
Agfa Optima II Prestige 100
Agfa Portrait 160 6×6
Agfa Portrait 160
Agfa Ultra 50
Agfa Ultra 50 6×6
Agfa Ultra 100
Agfa Futura 200 APS
Agfa Futura 400 APS
Fuji 100 HQ
Fuji 200 HQ
Fuji Nexia A200 APS
Fuji Nexia H400 APS
Fuji Nexia D100 APS
Fuji NHG II 800 6×6
Fuji NHG II 800
Fuji NPC 160 6×6
Fuji NPC 160
Fuji NPH 400 6×6
Fuji NPH 400
Fuji NPS 160
Fuji NPS 160 6×6
Fuji Pro 160S
Fuji Super HG 1600
Fuji Super HQ 100
Fuji Super HQ 200
Fuji Super HG 1600 Ex
Fuji Superia 100
Fuji Superia 100 6×6
Fuji Superia 200
Fuji Superia 400
Fuji Superia 800
Fuji Superia 8000
Fuji Superia 800 N
Fuji Superia Reala 100
Kodak Advantix 100 APS
Kodak Advantix 200 APS
Kodak Advantix 400 APS
Kodak Advantix B&W+ 400 APS
Kodak 100 UC
Kodak B&W+ 400
Kodak Gold 100-6
Kodak Gold 200-6
Kodak Gold 200-126
Kodak Gold Max 400
Kodak Gold 400-110
Kodak Max Zoom 800
Kodak Max Zoom 800 N
Kodak Monochrome VX 400
Kodak Plus-X 125 6×6
Kodak Plus-X 125
Kodak Portra 160 NC
Kodak Portra 160 NC 6×6
Kodak Portra 160 VC
Kodak Portra 160 VC 6×6
Kodak Portra 400 NC
Kodak Portra 400 NC 6×6
Kodak Portra 400 VC
Kodak Portra 400 VC 6×6
Kodak Portra 800
Kodak Portra 800 6×6
Kodak Pro Image 100
Kodak Professional 400 6×6
Kodak Professional Ektar 100
Kodak Royal Gold 100
Kodak Royal Gold 200
Kodak Royal Gold 400
Kodak Royal Gold 1000
Kodak Supra 100
Kodak Supra 400
Kodak Supra 800
Kodak T-Max 100
Kodak T-Max 100 6×6
Kodak T-Max 400
Kodak T400 CN
Kodak Tri-X 400 6×6
Kodak Tri-X 400
Kodak VR 100
Kodak VR 200
Konica Centuria 100
Konica Centuria 200
Konica Centuria 400
Konica Centuria 100 6×6
Konica Centuria 800
Konica Centuria 200 APS
Konica Centuria 400 APS
Konica Impresa 50
Konica Impresa 50 6×6
Konica VX 100
Konica Professional 160
Konica Professional 160 6×6
Polaroid OneFilm 200
Ilford HP5 Plus 400
Ilford FP4 Plus 125
Ilford Delta 100
Ilford FP4 Plus 125 6×6
Ilford HP5 Plus 400 6×6
Ilford XP2 Super 400
Ilford SFX 200
Ilford Pan-F Plus 50
Ilford Delta 400
Ilford XP2 Super 400 6×6
Ilford Pan-F Plus 50 6×6
Ilford Delta 400 6×6
Ferrania HP 100
Ferrania HP 200
Ferrania HP 200 APS
Ferrania FG 800
Mitsubishi MX-II 200
Mitsubishi MX-II 100
Mitsubishi MX-II 400
Boots 100
Lucky GBR Plus 100
Tudor TPX 100
Standard (SilverFast)